
Greetings of the 20th anniversary of Kics



I am pleased to announce that this year marks our 20th Anniversary of K.I. CASING & SERVICES, also known as Kics. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported us throughout these 20 happy years.

Since the beginning, Kics has specialized in truck & bus casing-exports directly to retreading facilities and through wholesalers. We have had a record of steady growth and rapid expansion into various diversified projects including:

  • Casing Buy Back program (developed in conjunction with Michelin Japan)
  • Supplying casings to developing nations (by contract directly from government agencies) to be instrumental in building their infrastructure
  • supplying new moto tires and wheels to mass retailers
  • OTR tires for port-cargo handling machine companies.

It has been an incredibly productive journey and we hope to continue for a long time into the future. We’re very happy to have enjoyed an enviable reputation for product quality and excellent customer services. As Kics moves into a new era in the history of our company, we would appreciate your continued patronage and support.

A huge “ARIGATO (Thank you )” to everyone, the customers, suppliers and the employees, for all your support!

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